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Enactus McGill

Enactus is an international community of students, academic and business leaders brought together through the commitment of using entrepreneurial action to help shape a better, more sustainable world.


Enactus McGill aims to cultivate a socially empowered environment within the local Montreal community, starting right from within McGill. YouthStart is just one of the many ongoing Enactus McGill projects! For more detailed information on the McGill chapter of Enactus, click here.


YouthStart is an Enactus McGill project that fosters entrepreneurial spirit within Montreal high schools by providing students with the necessary skills they need to create and implement their own effective business plans.


Students will work together or individually over our 3-month program in developing a product or service idea, and through the guidance of McGill Management and Education students, design a realistic and impactful plan to be launched within the Montreal community. A competition will follow at the end, providing students access to a professional business network.   

Visit our Program page to learn more.


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